If you haven’t noticed, God and horses are the most important factors in the success of Abundant Life Ranch. However, the horses aren’t just for “fun,” there is actual scientific research behind the effectiveness of equine therapy. In fact, you can actually measure the emotional bond between humans and horses and explain why we “feel better” just being around horses. This is all because of the electromagnetic field surrounding both our hearts and theirs. The human heart has an electromagnetic field that radiates 8 to 10 feet around the human body, but the horse’s is 5 times greater and stronger than even that! Horses are also thought to have a “coherent” heart rhythm which is indicative of a system that can adjust to stressful situations and recover quickly and efficiently. They radiate a sense of calmness and peace that, because of the electromagnetic waves, humans can sense from just being in the presence of a horse. Some benefits include lowered heart rate and blood pressure, stress levels, pain, feelings of anger, hostility, anxiety, and tension, increased trust, social functioning, self-efficacy, and patience. This is a huge benefit for their groups we work with, as most of them are recovering from trauma.
There is also science explaining the benefits of a connection between horses and children, which is a major demographic that Abundant Life Ranch serves. Just like with the adults, horses help reduce stress in children and young adolescents, most importantly stress hormone production. Unhealthy stress hormone production leads to mental and physical health problems, and the more time they spend with a horse the more it evens out and stays at healthy levels. This is why we encourage participants to come repeatedly and regularly, and why our curriculum is designed for six sessions that build on one another and keep them coming back. The more they return, the more a participant can benefit from the results.