Abundant Life Ranch

Using the ranching lifestyle to build relational health through the life-skills of communication, trust, and respect.

Individual Sessions

One-on-one sessions available to any participant.

Group Sessions

Ongoing, curriculum-based sessions, teaching life-skills.

Couples' Sessions

Special event sessions helping couples build stronger relationships.

Individual Sessions

One-on-one sessions available to any participant.

Group Sessions

Ongoing, curriculum-based sessions, teaching life-skills.

Couples' Sessions

Special event sessions helping couples build stronger relationships.

God Created You to live an abundant Life

For many of the guests who drive through the gates of Abundant Life Ranch, the reality of life is far from what God intended. Hurt, scared or defensive, they struggle to develop and maintain healthy relationships, which impacts every area of life.

Moving past these challenges requires learning the life-skills of communication, trust, and respect. The difficulty is, these skills are difficult to “teach” in a class or counseling setting. We’ve found these to be uniquely learned through interaction with horses, which is why we’ve spent over a decade using the ranching lifestyle to help “teach” these skills.

building relational health with Horses

Our unique approach, along with a strong mentoring role and a focus on God’s restorative power, makes a difference in the lives of everyone who drives through our gates.

During our sessions we focus on building the life-skills of communication, trust, and respect. Those skills are learned through our 7-step process where we work with the horses to help guests learn:

1) Effective Communication Skills

the importance of clear, respectful communication and the power of listening

2) Navigating New Situations

the empowerment of working through fear, overcoming self-doubt and developing the ability to believe in oneself

3) Leadership and Collaboration Skills

developing self-awareness of leadership skills and the power of partnership

4) Overcoming Obstacles and Setbacks

how persistence helps you deal with challenges and how to work through them

5) Implementing Boundaries

how trust is built and developed over time instead of just given freely

6) Experiencing Respect and Trust in a Relationship

experiencing the impact of a relationship where trust and respect are mutual

7) Expanding Trust and Communication on a New Level

taking trust to a level where defensiveness and fear aren’t the first response


Click below to Schedule a Call and learn how your group can benefit from this process.

Seeing Lives Changed

“I don’t know the science behind WHY the horses are so therapeutic, but they are. As someone who is clearly not a “horse person”, I cannot deny the magic that happens, and the change I begin to see immediately, in my clients after only 1 visit to the ranch.”

– Therapist

Dominic arrived at the Ranch angry and with his face set in a hard frown. Over the course of our session, you could see the walls come down as he began to groom and ride. By the end, he wore an uncontrollable, ear-splitting grin that is uncharacteristic of a tough 13-year-old boy. After several years together, his mentor remarked he had never seen Dominic smile like that.

“The Abundant Life Ranch horse lessons have assisted my youths therapeutically by building their self-esteem, being responsible, learning empathy and having a more positive attitude about their lives. Thank you for the impact Y'all have had on the youths that I bring out there each month!”

– Therapist

Start the Road to Relational Health Today!

Three easy steps to get connected.

Schedule a Call

Let's connect about your organization and how we can serve your group or ministry.


Plan Your Visit

Plan a session and learn about the impact that horses and the ranching lifestyle can have.

Feel the Impact

Experience the healing and lessons that come from time with horses and learning about God.

You Can Impact a Life

Changed lives is something we don’t take for granted. It only happens because of financial partners, like you, who come alongside and help underwrite the services we provide.


Make a Difference Today

Upcoming Public Events

Prayer & Worship Night

A huge part of Abundant Life Ranch’s culture revolves around prayer & worship. We believe worship reminds our heart who God is and how grateful we are for Him. It […]

Find out more
17 April
Abundant Life Ranch, 1910 Porter Ave
Reedley, CA 93654 United States
+ Google Map

Hay Fundraiser 2025

Our Team Runs on Hay and Jesus! Help us feed our 4-legged team and impact lives every week! Our 4-legged team plays an essential role in meeting the needs of […]

Find out more
28 April
Abundant Life Ranch, 1910 Porter Ave
Reedley, CA 93654 United States
+ Google Map

Prayer & Worship Night

A huge part of Abundant Life Ranch’s culture revolves around prayer & worship. We believe worship reminds our heart who God is and how grateful we are for Him. It […]

Find out more
15 May
Abundant Life Ranch, 1910 Porter Ave
Reedley, CA 93654 United States
+ Google Map

Annual Dinner

Our most anticipated event of the year is our annual dinner. It’s a time to enjoy a delicious meal, hear what God has been doing in participants’ lives, and what […]

Find out more
20 September
Abundant Life Ranch, 1910 Porter Ave
Reedley, CA 93654 United States
+ Google Map

Marriage Retreat

Betsy & Doug have a heart for pouring into marriages and using the tools they’ve developed over the years to teach couples about communication, trust, and respect. If you’re a […]

Find out more
07 November
Abundant Life Ranch, 1910 Porter Ave
Reedley, CA 93654 United States
+ Google Map

Have a Question? 

Let us know how we can serve you.